The 2023 annual summary and commendation conference of Shaanxi Fuhua was successfully held.
At 1:30 pm of February 19th, the auditorium of Fuhua was filled with warmth and excitement. The annual summary and commendation conference for the year 2023 was held ceremoniously, presided over by the Party Branch Secretary and Executive deputy Manager, Ren Xiaolong. More than 150 management personnel and employees attended the conference.
General Manager Su Hualei announced the “Company Policy Objectives for the Year 2024”, Deputy Manager Du Weifeng read out the “Decision on Commending Outstanding Groups and Individuals for the Year 2023”. After speeches from representatives of outstanding managers and best employees, the company awarded and commended the outstanding groups, individuals, and projects of the year. At the end of the conference, Director Wang delivered an enthusiastic and inspiring speech, and put forward specific requirements for the management work in the new year.